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Learn more about workspaces and how to manage them
24 articles
What are the Workspace Settings?
How do I invite users to a Workspace?
How do I add a Guest to my Synthesia Workspace?
How do I remove a Guest from my Synthesia Workspace?
How do I convert a Guest into a Member in Synthesia?
Can I invite a Guest to my workspace if they have an email address with a different domain name?
How do I add allowed domains to my workspace?
How do I create a new Workspace?
How do I restrict invites to allowed domains on my workspace?
How can I prevent self-serve subscriptions for SSO users in my organization?
How do I upgrade from a restricted license?
What Happens to a Workspace Member's Content When Their Account is Deleted?
Can I view a list of all members within my workspace?
What steps are necessary to Off-Board a Workspace Member?
How do I join my company's workspace?
How do I move a video between Workspaces?
How do I move a generated template to another Synthesia Workspace?
What is Shared with me?
How do I customize my Share Page?
How do I leave a comment on a video?
How many Guests can I have in my Synthesia Workspace?
What is a Synthesia Workspace?
What features are available to guests in Synthesia?
How do I switch between workspaces?