Workspace users can invite a guest user by sharing a video with the guests’ email.
In the video edit or overview page, click Invite in the upper right corner of the page. Alternatively, on the video list page in your Workspace / My Videos page, open the three-dot menu for your video and select Invite.
Enter the email address of the guest user.
Choose the guest's permission level: Full Access, Can Edit, or Can Comment.
Click Invite.
In the Invite new user modal, select Invite as a guest.
Click on Invite as a guest.
When the guest invitation is sent out, the new user receives an email invite:
If the invitee does not have a Synthesia account, they will be directed to the account creation screen.
If the invitee already has an account (or just created one), they will immediately become a guest of the workspace. The shared video will then appear on their Shared with Me page
See the Synthesia User roles & Permissions documentation to learn more about the Synthesia Guest role.
Admins can control if workspace users are able to invite guests or not via Security Settings.
If there is an allowed domain configured on your workspace, and the Guest email address matches the allowed domain, then the user can’t be added as a Guest to your workspace, but is instead added as a Member.