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How do I publish my video?
How do I publish my video?

Learn more about how to publish your video

Updated yesterday

Sharing content is an important part of using our platform and it's easy to do! The publishing option in Synthesia, allows you to share your generated videos with others.

To share content:

  1. Navigate to a generated video.

  2. Select the Publish button, located on the top right of the video page.

  3. Click the Create Link button, which will open the video share page menu.

  4. Share Options:

    1. Copy webpage link, if you wish to share a publicly accessible link to the Synthesia video share page.

    2. Copy embed code, if you wish to embed the video on a webpage.

    3. Export SCORM, if you wish to export your video as a SCORM package to embed the Synthesia video player in your Learning Management System and track your learners' video completion rates. See the How do I export my video as a SCORM package? article to learn more.

  5. Video Share Page Options:

    1. Allow video duplication, allows anyone you share this video with, to duplicate the video to their own Synthesia account.

    2. Allow search engine indexing, allows the video share page to be accessible via search engine results.

    3. Call-to-action allows you to add a link on your video to another webpage. This option will allow you to input a label for the link and the desired URL, you wish your viewers to navigate to.

See the Video Publishing documentation to learn more.


  • By default, when you publish a video in Synthesia, it creates a link that can be shared with others. However, the video remains non-discoverable unless the Allow search engine indexing setting is adjusted.

  • To embed content, select the copy embed code option. The HTML will be copied to your clipboard, which you can then paste into other apps or your website to host your video.

  • When embedding a on your website, any changes to your video in Synthesia, will automatically update on your website without needing to re-upload it.

  • Call-to-action option only works with the Copy webpage link option

  • Workspace admin can disable search engine indexing for the entire workspace.

  • Not sure how to generate your video? See the How do I generate my video in Synthesia? article.

  • Sending your video via email? See the How do I send a GIF thumbnail of my Synthesia video? article.

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