You can now easily animate assets in your Synthesia video by using triggers within the script box. Follow these steps to add and adjust animation triggers:
Adding an Enter and Exit Animation Trigger:
Click on the element you want to animate. Triggers will appear at the start and end of your scene script.
Click on the highlighted trigger within the script box.
Drag the trigger icons to the the desired word in the script you would like the element to enter or exit.
Pick the desired animation effect from the available options.
Instant - Instantly displays the element.
Fade - Gradually brings the element into view.
Slide - Slides the element in from the left/right/top/bottom.
Move - Moves the element in from the left/right/top/bottom.
Zoom - Gradually zooms in the element while fading in.
Scale - Gradually scales the element to its final size.
Customize the animation by selecting:
Direction β Choose the movement direction.
Velocity β Adjust the speed of the animation.
Duration β Set how long the animation lasts.
Delay β Add a delay before the animation starts.
All elements now have an Instant animation as the default.
You can also add animations using the Animation section in the inspector panel on the right-hand side of the canvas.
To remove an Enter or Exit animation, select it and click the trash icon. This resets the animation, moving the Enter animation to the beginning or the Exit animation to the end of the script.
If multiple triggers are placed on the same word, a trigger cluster will appear. Click on it to choose whether to animate a single asset or all assets in the cluster.
Preview animations by scrubbing through the scene timeline to see how they will appear in the final video.
An Enter trigger cannot be placed after an Effect animation trigger tied to the same element.
An Exit trigger cannot be placed before an Effect animation trigger tied to the same element.
To learn more about adding effects animations to elements, check out the How to use Effects in Synthesia? article.
For more details on elements, visit the Elements Documentation Page.
To learn more about Triggers, check out the Synthesia Academy Feature Fridays: Triggers recording.
To see animations in action, check these Synthesia Academy videos: