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AI Video Assistant 2.0
AI Video Assistant 2.0

Learn more about turning your documents into video

Updated over a week ago

πŸ“£ Introducing our brand new feature to Synthesia, Document to Script! πŸ“£

Ever wanted to take a long uninteresting document and transform it into an exciting and engaging video? With our brand new feature to Synthesia, you can do just that!

From Documents to URLs, Synthesia can take the information and turn it into a script for your video project, making it easier to digest and a worthwhile learning experience for your audiences.

How to use Document to Video

Select the New Video option located in the top right of Synthesia. You will be able to choose from several options, select AI video assistant option.

The AI video assistant page will appear. From here, you will need to select the template you wish to use - we currently have several templates to choose from for the AI video assistance feature!

Once you are happy with your template choice, you can select weblink or document you wish to use for your video.

  • For documents you are able to upload .pdf, .doc, .docx or .txt files

  • Weblinks (URL) will need to be any publicly available page and have a limit of 4,500 words.

You will then be able to select the number of scenes you wish for the video to be, using the Length drop down menu.

Additional fields you can use for your scripts include an Objective or goal of the video.

You can also add:

  • Audience - the target audience for the video

  • Speaker - the presenter of the video

  • Tone - the tone you would like for the video

  • Language - the language you would like the video to be presented in.

Once you are happy with the chosen fields, click Generate video and the tool will generate the scenes and the script for you video.

When the script has been generated, you will see it broken down into the chosen amount of scenes, with the selected template. If you wish to alter the prompts you can do so here and click Generate again to ensure you get the most out of your project.

Once you are happy with the script, click Continue to editor and you will be taken into the canvas, where you can edit your project

Happy creating!

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