This feature is only available for Synthesia Enterprise Plans Customers.
If you would like discuss upgrading your plan, contact the Synthesia Support team or see the How do I upgrade my Synthesia plan ? guide.
To create a personal avatar request:
Navigating to the Avatars page via sidebar.
Select the Request option under the personal avatar card.
Add the recipient’s name, email, and a request message.
Select the Submit button to send the request via email.
Copy the URL to share directly if needed.
Request URLs will expires 7 days after sending.
Personal avatar requests can be created by any workspace or organization member. Admins can turn off the feature using the feature toggle in settings.
The creator and requestor will receive email confirmation when the recording is complete and when the avatar has been created.
To learn more about what to do when you receive a personal avatar request see the How do I complete a personal avatar request? article.